You MIGHT find this app useful if you never want to rename files or do a crop operation. If you are a web developer, there will certainly be times when youll want to do either or both of these things. Details follow:
* Crop: the apps documentation clearly states that it will crop an image during resizing to fit your desired dimensions (if those dimensions are not the same aspect ratio as the source image). You are instructed to choose "Cut to fit." But the app DOES NOT cut the image to fit; it distorts it to fit. Quite unacceptable!
* Rename: when this option is chosen, you are presented a field in which to type a text string. I fully expected this string to be appended or prepended to the existing file name. Instead, it became a new seed, and each successive file in the batch simply had a sequentially assigned number appended. This results in thumbnails that have no easily determined connection to the original files. Quite unacceptable!
I wrote the app developers, and their reply indicated they just dont get it. Im not sure who wrote their help documents or their advertising copy, but that person is either a liar or hasnt tested the documentation to the software.
dannymacfeather about Photo-Resizer